Okay...so how do you start a blog post? Kinda new to all this
Ummm..hey? hello? wah gwarn?
How are YOU doing? Honestly, Truthfully?
From the bottom of my heart I hope you are doing blissfully!!!
I made this platform for everyone to be more comfortable in being true and honest to themselves, therefore I must lead by example, right?
Embarking on my journey has been a whirlwind of emotions, I have had many breakdowns but best believe I have had even more BREAKTHROUGHS (We will get into this as time goes by). I overstand that I am still very early on my path, for that I am so grateful because each day I learn more about myself and my purpose in this existence.
I hope to bring together a tribe that can learn and grow from each other so….let’s do something together! (Time to grab you pen and paper)
This exercise has come about because sometimes we need to remember who we are and who we aim to be (when I say we it was about me but you know the vibes). Words carry so much power, we are literally writing spells when we are SPELLing out what it is we want and who we are.
I call it the ‘I AM’ quick fix.
I start off by writing:
‘I am aware that there is a lot that I don't yet know, but here are some things I do:’
Then write down 6 things that I know I AM or trying to become such as:
I AM a strong black womanI AM protected and guided by my ancestorsI AM fulfilling my life purposeI AM loveI AM enoughI AM the light that is needed
Simple right? Now it is your turn!!! DO NOT overthink, just let it come out as is, there is no right or wrong or anything too big or small. This is your universe, co create it as you have been called to do.
In all honesty my loves, as a being I am like water, I flow, I don't have structure therefore I can not promise that for my blogs. The one thing I can promise you however is me being honest and true with the words I spell to you.
LOVE and LIGHT to all you beautiful readers, let us continue to live and fulfil our PURPOSE!
- Ya, The Daughter of Ra